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The Dogs’ Logs

by Simon Rowe

 A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.

 Sea kayaking isn’t an activity you hear much about, yet Japan’s coastline is made for travel-by-paddle. 

 I have lived in Hyogo for 26 years and bought my first sea kayak in 2001 — a folding Folbot Greenland II — and later added an …Read More

In the Detective and Publishing Games

Talk with Author Simon Rowe at David Duff’s home, April 14, 2024 Nine people gathered to listen to Simon Rowe talk about his phenomenal success in publishing and other things on April 14 in Kyoto. Thanks very much to David Duff for opening his home/library once again for an event. Due to the absence (by …Read More

June 16: Words and Music

This year’s Words and Music summer event is being organised by Rebecca Otowa. The event will be held at Gnome Bar, Kyoto, near Kawaramachi Nijo on Sunday, June 16, 2024,  6-9 pm.  Since the staff at the bar have asked to be informed of the numbers of people, please RSVP to Rebecca before May 20 if you wish to …Read More

Kyoto Journal 106: Cultural Fluidity

(Digital Issue) Guest Editor: Lane Diko Kyoto Journal 106 dives into the theme of ‘Cultural Fluidity’: the accelerating flow and blend of cultures across borders. This concept is the 21st century globalized equivalent of what might have formerly been oversimplified as imported and exported cultures. From Japonisme to Pokémon, contributors illuminate this subject from diverse viewpoints, through a …Read More

Lisa Wilcut on Translation

ZOOM TALK on SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers International)March 22, 2024Report by Rebecca Otowa Last night I joined 25 people from around the world, mostly Japan, to hear WiK member Lisa Wilcut talk under the title of “What it Takes to Bring a Picture Book to Life in Another Language”, about her translation of …Read More

Book Review: A Tiny Nature

A Tiny Nature: Recollections of Poems and TreesBy Robert Weis (self-published, September 2023) Review by Rebecca Otowa ********************From the WiK Website:“In this ‘recollections of poems and trees’, Robert Weis unites two seemingly distant worlds: that of short poems inspired by haiku and that of bonsai trees. Flora and poetry blend naturally on these pages through …Read More

The Way The Wind

by James Woodham flat out on the grasscoming down as deep as dreams –the seeds of freedom  the lake concealinga million lives, another worldso the mind dreams afternoon so slowit feels like the sun has stoppedclouds just hanging orb of the moon hungin a sky of palest bluepink tinge on the hills ducks glide sereneon …Read More

Muroto, High and Low (Edward J. Taylor)

The island of Shikoku’s principle attraction is of course its pilgrimage.  While the 88 temples that serve as waypoints are of varying grandeur and importance, Cape Muroto’s Mikuriyajin Cave must certainly be considered of primary significance, for if Kukai had not had his spiritual epiphanies here, it is doubtful that the pilgrimage would exist at …Read More

The Name of the Willow

Marc Keane is well-known to readers for his remarkable books on Japanese Gardens, and during his lunchtime talk for WiK last autumn he revealed that he was working on three new writing projects. One of them has now come to fruition, The Name of the Willow. Like Rebecca Otowa, whose artistic talents were evident in …Read More

Talk with Everett Kennedy Brown (February 18th, 2024)

By Rebecca Otowa Nine people gathered at Writers in Kyoto member David Duff’s house/library (quite impressive!) in Shimogamo to listen to a talk by the noted photographer Everett Kennedy Brown. Aside from his unusual and beautiful collodion wet-plate photography, a technique from the 19th century, he has written several books in Japanese including “Archaic Future” …Read More

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