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Writers in Kyoto Member Prize – Abigail Deveney (Ninth Annual Kyoto Writing Competition)

From the Judges:“In these ruminations on scenes along the Kamo River, a skater flies with the wind, finding freedom along this picturesque artery flowing through the city. The river’s banks attract all sorts of people, and in this piece one with physical challenges wistfully envies the fluid motions of the other.  And yet, thoughts transcend …Read More

Unohana Prize – Licia Braga (Ninth Annual Kyoto Writing Competition)

From the Judges:“The vivid and beautiful imagery of this piece was striking, and its ambiguity left the judges wondering from the beginning whether the elderly woman described was actually Kyoto personified in its feminine aspects.” *  *  * Limbo She wakes up in the morning amongst mountains dotted with clouds and dozes off on the train amongst …Read More


Each of Us a Petal (Victorina Press, 2024) by Amanda HugginsReview by Rebecca Otowa A member of Writers in Kyoto, the author has won prizes and honorable mentions in the WiK Writing Competition, and her work has been included in WiK anthologies. (A short bio follows the review.) The present book is a collection of …Read More

Yamabuki Prize – Hayley Noel Wallace (Ninth Annual Kyoto Writing Competition)

From the Judges:“This piece deftly and succinctly describes a location as well as a period of extended time and suggests how perception evolves as one becomes more familiar with a particular place and oneself. Here the theme is wanderings in the ancient capital of Kyoto and the surprising things one can discover, including many ways …Read More

Kyoto City Mayoral Prize – Dave Tampus Pregoner (Ninth Annual Kyoto Writing Competition)

From the Judges:“It is often said that class differences are largely kept invisible in Japan, and negative feelings suppressed, for the sake of overall harmony. Dave Tampus Pregoner’s musings about a homeless Kyotoite who happens to help a wayward tourist are effective in lifting the curtain on this social phenomenon. His winning submission underscores the …Read More

Allen S. Weiss Presentation

Sunday, May 19, WiK had the great pleasure of welcoming the prolific Allen S. Weiss back again on one of his annual visits to Kyoto. Covid had prevented him from coming for two years, so it was good to hear he would be revisiting. He has confessed that he never joins clubs or societies, but …Read More

Announcement: Ninth Annual Kyoto Writing Competition Results

Mid-May has arrived, and the judges of the Ninth Annual Kyoto Writing Competition have come to their very difficult decision of selecting the top prizewinners. We were delighted to receive numerous submissions from individuals comprising 29 nationalities, located both within Japan and in a total of 24 countries across the world — an indication of …Read More

To Weave a Perfect Day: From Brocade Gardens to Spools of Thread

by Rebecca Copeland Sometimes it’s the unexpected detours that provide the greatest pleasure.   Last week, I spent the afternoon with PhD student Ran Wei, who has been in Osaka on a Japan Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship. We had planned to meet at Kyoto’s Kitano Tenmangu Shrine, tour the garden, and then enjoy a long and …Read More

Sign-up Link for Talk with Allen Weiss, Author (Sunday, May 19th)

Allen S. Weiss will talk about his forthcoming book Illusory Dwellings: Aesthetic Meditations in Kyoto (Stone Bridge Press) ◆Date: Sunday 19th May, 5.30 pm~ ◆Participant Limit: 20 To reserve your spot, please access this link: Click “Add Attendance”. Then enter your name and be sure to click the check mark before clicking “Submit”. Your …Read More

July 27: Susan Ito on writing

Susan Ito (author of I Would Meet You Anywhere) in conversation with Suzanne Kamata Time: Saturday, July 27, 2024, 2:00-4:00PM Place: Kyoto Ryukoku University, Omiya Campus, East Building, Room 302 (Building 10 on the link below.) (As an opening act, Ito’s students from Northeastern University will share some of their writing generated in Kyoto.) ****************** …Read More

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