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Your Inner Witch

Meet Your Inner Witch in Just Five Easy Stepsby Marianne Kimura Introduction: I’ve had to find out a lot about witches in the course of writing academic pieces about Shakespeare’s plays with witches, such as Macbeth, or in which some sort of magic occurs, like The Winter’s Tale. From my gleanings, I wrote this brief …Read More

The Horned God

THE HORNED GODby Marianne Kimura No one knew how the statue of the horned god had gotten to the end of the broken desolate peninsula encased in the shambles of soggy, broken concrete. This spot, among rubble and weeds, with stark frames of defunct gigantic towers and their staring, blank and open windows, wasn’t a …Read More


Dougal McLeish had been staring out of his office window for a full hour, the yellowing light of an early autumnal evening creeping slowly across the cluttered desktop in front of him.  Hands folded in his lap, shoulders sagging forward, his demeanour bore all the hallmarks of the dejected. Yet, there was no sadness in …Read More

WiK Anthology 3 launched

“Encounters With Kyoto” Book launch– report by Iris Reinbacher On Saturday, June 22nd, WiK held the official launch party for the 3rd Writers in Kyoto Anthology, called Encounters With Kyoto. About half of WiK’s members came all the way to Umekoji Park’s Midori Building, where Jann Williams had set up a room full of food, …Read More

Impromptu activist

Impromptu Anti-Plastic Environmental Activist in Shugakuin– Marianne Kimura When we moved to our neighborhood almost five years ago, there was a rather large green field on a road near our house. Of course, in the current political climate promoting economic growth, three years ago the field became houses and even one apartment building. Only one …Read More

Encounters with Kyoto: WiK Anthology 3

On sale now from, and other Amazon marketplaces. (Revised 2021) Edited by Jann Williams and Ian Josh YatesForeword by Juliet Winters Carpenter Inside these covers lies the third collection of enticing works by Writers in Kyoto. From gardens to gangsters, temples to tourism, ceramics to Casablanca, the diverse writings of 22 authors will …Read More

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