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Debt Crisis in Peach

by Marianne Kimura “Omigod!”, I exclaimed in a slightly theatrical, artificially loud voice to my husband Satoshi and shoved my phone in his face just as he was about to bite into a shrimp-flavored rice cracker.“Wha..?” he mumbled idly.“Japan’s debt is like 220% of its GDP! It’s the worst one in the world!”Without answering, he …Read More

From Tanshinfunin to L.A.T.

by Marianne Kimura Around seven years ago, at a shaonkai (a party held for teachers by students the evening before graduation), Professor Eriko Furukawa, a specialist in Gothic literature, and I were balancing tiny plates of fried shrimp and canapes in a corner of a posh party venue filled with fairy lights, near the Okura …Read More

Exploring the nature of Kyoto through Shinrin Yoku

Jann WilliamsMay 14, 2023 A yellow caterpillar inspires poetry, a heart is opened, elusive scents are pursued, the sense of touch is playfully explored, a TikTok video is born, lives are changed. These instinctive and creative responses were evoked by an invitation to discover the beauty and wonder of nature, amidst the verdant forest foliage …Read More

Soul Family

by Marianne Kimura Kyoto has several colorful and bustling craft markets. held monthly at shrines and temples, where people peddle unique wares: hand-made clothes, plant-dyed yarn, wooden cutting boards, knitted hats, honey, dried flowers, and tons more besides. As she lives in Kyoto, Mona has bought several skirts made of antique indigo-dyed fabric over the …Read More

My Own Lucky Number Seven

by Marianne Kimura After a tailor hits seven flies with one swipe, he embroiders the words “Seven at One Blow” on his belt and sets out to advertise his prowess to the world.  Age 18A golden September day and she is returning to her dorm, Canaday Hall, the boxy, modern Harvard freshman dormitory, from a …Read More

Online Launch of Structures of Kyoto, the 4th Anthology of Writers in Kyoto

On August 22, 2021 Writers in Kyoto launched its fourth anthology, Structures of Kyoto. One blessing in this difficult year has been how technology has bridged the distance gap. We had attendees from across the globe tuning in from different time zones, some just waking, some staying up late, all happy to be sharing this …Read More

Structures of Kyoto: Writers in Kyoto Anthology 4

On sale now from, and other Amazon marketplaces in print and Kindle formats. Edited by Rebecca Otowa and Karen Lee Tawarayama Foreword by Judith Clancy Structures of Kyoto explores the physical, spiritual, and artistic elements of Japan’s ancient capital and beckons one to “step through the gate” to interact with them. Bookended by the insights of authors Judith …Read More

WiK’s Sixth Anniversary

To celebrate WiK’s 6th Anniversary Celebration today, here is a list of all the activities and talks we have had over the past five years. There have been fun events like our bonenkai showcase of members’ talent, and there have been serious events such as the Heritage and Tourism symposium held together with the Agency …Read More

The Witches Play Macbeth

The Witches Play Macbethby Marianne Kimura In Birnam Wood, we’d all meet, all the witches, to dance. We’d twirl and skip under the stars with the god Pan. No dull churches for him: he could be found only in groves and grottoes, riverbanks and the little sandy edges of the Forfar Loch, where grasses grew. …Read More

WiK’s 5th Anniversary

To celebrate WiK’s 5th Anniversary Celebration today, here is a list of all the activities and talks we have had over the past five years. There have been fun events like our bonenkai showcase of members’ talent, and there have been serious events such as the Heritage and Tourism symposium held together with the Agency …Read More

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