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Short Story (Kimura)

“Peace, the Charm’s Wound Up“by Marianne Kimura Sophia is a witch so she ought to be able to think of a spell to make all the plastic sheets vanish. To that end, two small and stylish frosted glass goblets, filled with apple juice and ice, are on the kitchen table. One goblet has a golden …Read More

Kaguya Himeko (Kimura)

An original story by Marianne Kimura Mr. Nomura had a habit of taking his bicycle and visiting Buddhist temples around Kyoto on fine Sunday afternoons. He had been to Shodenji before, a perfect little jewel of a Buddhist temple, famous for its simple charcoal brush painting of ten monks walking up and down an invisible …Read More

Last Snow (Kimura)

The Last Snow in Kyotoby Marianne Kimura I wrote this hoping that the last big snow in Kyoto (January 26, 2019) will NOT after all be the last snow ever in Kyoto. (It is so far, one year and four days later, but who is counting?) ****************** Over several years, the snow had undoubtedly become …Read More

WiK Competiton 2019 Third Prize (Kimura)

[In keeping with long-time legends of the ghosts and spirits that reside in Kyoto, this piece reminded the judges of the Kwaidan stories gathered by Lafcadio Hearn, simultaneously chilling and tender.] Yurei Ame/ Ghost Candyby Marianne Kimura, Canadian, resident in Kyoto Who was that? The same woman as last night and the night before. The …Read More

The Seven Forms of Infiltration (Kimura)

Author’s note: I am attempting to write a short novel (entitled The Seven Forms of Infiltration) that takes its inspiration from manga, Japanese comic books; the excerpt below is the first few pages of this novel. The heroine is a young woman who is training to be a ninja. For artistic effects, I use actual …Read More

Goddesses and Ninjas (Kimura)

Goddesses and Ninjas: the mad, dashing world of Shakespeare interview with Marianne Kimura Q. It was a fiercely hot summer in Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan. How did you cope? A. I stayed indoors in my air-conditioned bedroom and sat on my futon writing papers. First, I wrote about the goddess in As You …Read More

The Hamlet Paradigm (Kimura)

Marianne Kimura is a Shakespearean scholar teaching at a university in Kyoto, and her papers on Shakespeare have proved popular on the website She also writes imaginative fiction based on Shakespearean themes, integrating ghostly or SF elements as can be seen in the excerpt below from her second novel, The Hamlet Paradigm, published under the pseudonym of …Read More

Novel success (Marianne Kimura)

WiK is delighted to announce a breakthrough for one of our members, Marianne Kimura, whose piece from her first novel was featured in the first WiK Anthology.  Here she tells how she managed to land her contract, thanks to the Japan Writers Conference. ******************** The Hamlet Paradigm My big news is that my second novel, …Read More

The double life of Marianne Kimura

Leading a Strange Shakespearean Double Life I suppose that the most unusual feature of my life as a writer is that it is divided into two, complete with two different names, identities and writing styles. As Marianne Kimura, a professor (准教授) at Kyoto Women’s University, I study and write about the cultural implications of fossil …Read More

Can I Call You Daddy?

by Marianne Kimura Looking lost, my husband wanders outside with a wet rag he’d just used to clean the bathroom sink. I pop my head out of the window. “Otoosan”, I say, “hang it over there near the washing machine, near the other rags. When there’s more, I’ll wash them all together”. As I close …Read More

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