Tag: witchcraft

My Own Lucky Number Seven

by Marianne Kimura After a tailor hits seven flies with one swipe, he embroiders the words “Seven at One Blow” on his belt and sets out to advertise his prowess to the world.  Age 18A golden September day and she is returning to her dorm, Canaday Hall, the boxy, modern Harvard freshman dormitory, from a …Read More

Short Story (Kimura)

“Peace, the Charm’s Wound Up“by Marianne Kimura Sophia is a witch so she ought to be able to think of a spell to make all the plastic sheets vanish. To that end, two small and stylish frosted glass goblets, filled with apple juice and ice, are on the kitchen table. One goblet has a golden …Read More

Your Inner Witch

Meet Your Inner Witch in Just Five Easy Stepsby Marianne Kimura Introduction: I’ve had to find out a lot about witches in the course of writing academic pieces about Shakespeare’s plays with witches, such as Macbeth, or in which some sort of magic occurs, like The Winter’s Tale. From my gleanings, I wrote this brief …Read More

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