Tag: poetry

Haiku-inspired verse and visual works by an Australian in Arashiyama.
Report on an event held in Kyoto
A striking combination of poems and photography.
A short piece on a journey of inquiry and discovery.
Report on a WIK forest bathing event.
Beautiful photos and poems on Lake Biwa.
A poem on Zen sermons.
History and poetry related to two temples in Kyoto.
A photographer and writer who came to Japan at the end of the 1970s.
Poetry and photos from Lake Biwa.
Villanelles on the challenges of love.
An event where Yellin reads poems of his youth.
An ode to the snow in Kyoto.
A poem from a 1950s visit to Ryoan-ji.
Three poems.
Poems of the yearning nature.
A poem on artistry.
Zen poem from Preston Houser.
An interview with Nicholas Teele, an academic, editor and translator.
Description of a WIK poetry event held at the Gnome.
A description of CC's coffee shop in Kyoto and its history.
An extract taken from a longer biographical piece of Harold Stewart (1916-95).
A robust review of an issue of the Tokyo Poetry Journal.
A poem from this year's writing competition.