Tag: ghosts

Gods of Useless Things

By Simon Rowe Stands to reason that in tough economic times, people spend less on luxuries and more on small pleasures—like beer, cigarettes, and Uniqlo underwear. A new rooftop beer garden opened in Himeji last week (two floors above Uniqlo), affording more skyline drinking space for the hard-working denizens of this town; another place for …Read More


By Lisa Twaronite Sone I had expected her. I knew exactly who she was, when she came wandering into the old school one day. She saw my janitor’s uniform and realized I belonged there, but she wasn’t quite sure what to say to me. They never are. “Can I help you?” I asked as kindly …Read More

Hearn 6: The Reconciliation

‘The Reconciliation’ first appeared in Shadowings (1900) This is Part 6 of a series of seven stories by Hearn which are set in Kyoto. For an introduction to Hearn’s Kyoto stories, please click here. Synopsis: A young samurai of Kyoto, reduced to poverty by the ruin of his lord, had to take work in the …Read More

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