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Gion Higashi

A Glimpse into the History of Gion Higashiby Yuki Yamauchi The flamboyance of Kyoto has long been enhanced by the culture of five kagai (geisha quarters). Since my heart was touched by the performances of geiko and maiko in the Gion Odori of 2016, the focus of my interest has been in particular on Gion …Read More

Portraits of Uji

Uji as seen by three ladies from the Westby Yuki Yamauchi Uji has been a favourite destination of mine since I noticed my favorite author Lord Dunsany had written about the bodhisattvas on clouds in the Hoo-do hall of Byodo-in. (You can see the details here.) Though there is no telling exactly how he came …Read More

Critic and professor, Tatsuo Kuriyagawa

by Yuki Yamauchi A native of Kyoto city, Tatsuo Kuriyagawa (1880-1923) honed his knowledge on Western literature, studying under Lafcadio Hearn and then Soseki Natsume at Tokyo Imperial University (now the University of Tokyo). In 1904, when he graduated as the top student, Kuriyagawa began his writing career by contributing an article on W. B. …Read More

Kyoto Director Akira Nobuchi

Kyoto Stage and Film Director Akira Nobuchiby Yuki Yamauchi “Yes, it has been a bad dream… but a beautiful one will begin.’ So ends Monna Vanna, a 1902 drama by Belgian playwright Maurice Maeterlinck. The phrase influenced Akira Nobuchi (1896-1968) so strongly that he contributed a short essay to his graduation yearbook, which ends as …Read More

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