Category: Reviews

A review that focuses on the Buddhist principles that appear in the book and the reviewer's own application of the concepts in the book.
The author describes his book which is the first photography book to introduce the Miksang approach in Japan.
A review of Ruth Ozeki's fourth novel which takes place largely in a library and where one can feel the author's presence.
A description of the content of the latest issue of Kyoto Journal which focuses on formative experiences.
A review of a book featuring two couples.
A blurb and list of contents of a book featuring long-term residents of Japan.
An analytical review of a book of 119 haiku.
A review of an exhibition and the catalog of the exhibition.
A review of a book that tells the story of an aging island community.
A Q&A with the author of Kanazawa.
A review from an Irish writer.
Review of a book by an American landscape architect who lived and worked in Kyoto for many years.
Review of a manuscript of poems written during August 1942 in America by Japanese-Americans being sent to camps.
A review of stories that the reviewer calls both challenging and entertaining.
A review of the 100th issue of Kyoto Journal with a focus on contributing WIK authors.
Announcement of a very special print issue of Kyoto Journal.
Review of a book inspired by and incorporating the work of Patrick Lafcadio Hearn (1850 – 1904).
A review of an anthology of writing on what rural life in Japan is like for foreigners.
Synopsis and commentary on a story.
Review of a film set in Kyoto that addresses topical social issues in Japan.
A review of a book on wood in Japan including types of wood, history and more.
A five minute guided tour through a selection of Kyoto's remarkable literary heritage.
On reading a new translation of Hōjōki by Matthew Stavros.
Dougill presents a new work that he edited that takes the reader on a literary journey through 12 centuries of Kyoto.