Category: Poetry

Three poems.
Poems of the yearning nature.
Poem on entering the sacred garden.
A poem on artistry.
Photos and poetry on people and things of the past.
On Island of the Wild Child.
Beautiful Buddhist prose and photos from Ken Rodgers, one of the founders of Kyoto Journal.
A selection of song lyrics from Eric Bray.
Nature poems with photos.
Zen poem from Preston Houser.
A poem for a friend.
A description of CC's coffee shop in Kyoto and its history.
Dougill writes about a little known shrine on the outskirts of Kyoto.
Poetry of the seasons with photos.
A robust review of an issue of the Tokyo Poetry Journal.
A review of a new book from the Hailstone Haiku Circle.
Basho renku on the nuns of Gio-ji.
Poems and poetry together... just lovely.
A description of an event featuring the noted poets of WIK.
More poems from A.J. on everyday life.
An obituary with some of her poems.
Two poems from Gary Snyder.
Commentary and poems from Basho on young girls and kimono.