Category: Nonfiction

Tracing the steps of the spiritual seekers of Japan's mountains.
Cody Poulton visits Kai Fusayoshi’s legendary Kyoto bar, Hachimonjiya
Fourth in a series about Japanese authors of Kyoto
The third installment of a series on Japanese writers of Kyoto.
Part 2 of a series on Japanese writers who used Kyoto as a setting in their works.
Part 1 of a series on Japanese writers who used Kyoto as a setting in their works.
A selection from Dai-Koku-Den
An exploration of Japanese names for one's spouse
Description of a pleasant afternoon which includes an unplanned visit to a textile studio.
The tribulations of the Japanese bath.
Kayaking, poetry and camping in caves. Adventures galore!
Description of a trip to Cape Muroto in Shikoku.
A short piece on a bonze-ridden town.
An introduction to the artwork of Rebecca Otowa.
A photo essay on a visit to Okinawa.
A biographical sketch of one of Lafcadio Hearn's students.
More on Alan Watts and his connection to Kyoto.
Review of a travelogue on train journeys in Japan that is oh so much more than just a travel guide.
Kerr on places he'd rather you not visit. Instead he offers wonderful descriptions.
A reflection an aging.
An excerpt from the self-published volume A tiny nature – recollections of poems and trees.
On staying near Shisendō and the many discoveries made.
An excerpt from a memoir in progress on learning to read in Japan.
Writing and reflections on listening and life.