Category: Fiction

A draft of the first chapter of a novel.
A short story about a budding romance.
Part Two of a short story set in a music store in Kyoto.
Part One of a short story set in a music store in Kyoto.
An excerpt from a novel about travel, urbex and romance.
The first chapter of a novel titled Kyoto Dreamtime.
More from Our Man in Himeji.
A short story set in a bar in Osaka.
An ode to the snow in Kyoto.
Extract from a new novel by Ian Richards, published by Atuanui Press and entitled, Drongo: A Kiwi Road Novel.
A short story on pagan gods and their love of festivities.
An excerpt from Noir Nation #7 set in Hong Kong.
A short story with a challenge to readers.
A short story about an English teacher in Kyoto.
The beginning of a longer short story entitled 'Pearl City.'
A short story on a hitchhiking experience.
The first few pages of an upcoming novel with a ninja heroine.
A selection from the author's novella.
Description of the genre of short and flash fiction with a few examples and links.
An excerpt from Marianne Kimura's creative Shakespeare-based book.
A contemporary account of weaving, Nishijin, and kimono in Kyoto.
Dougill on Lafcadio Hearn's taste for the macabre.
An extract from a novel penned by David Joiner.
A taster draft of Kevin Ramsden's second work of fiction.