Category: Fiction

Part Two of a short story set in a music store in Kyoto.
Part One of a short story set in a music store in Kyoto.
An excerpt from a novel about travel, urbex and romance.
The first chapter of a novel titled Kyoto Dreamtime.
More from Our Man in Himeji.
A short story set in a bar in Osaka.
An ode to the snow in Kyoto.
Extract from a new novel by Ian Richards, published by Atuanui Press and entitled, Drongo: A Kiwi Road Novel.
A short story on pagan gods and their love of festivities.
An excerpt from Noir Nation #7 set in Hong Kong.
A short story with a challenge to readers.
A short story about an English teacher in Kyoto.
The beginning of a longer short story entitled 'Pearl City.'
A short story on a hitchhiking experience.
The first few pages of an upcoming novel with a ninja heroine.
A selection from the author's novella.
Description of the genre of short and flash fiction with a few examples and links.
An excerpt from Marianne Kimura's creative Shakespeare-based book.
A contemporary account of weaving, Nishijin, and kimono in Kyoto.
Dougill on Lafcadio Hearn's taste for the macabre.
An extract from a novel penned by David Joiner.
A taster draft of Kevin Ramsden's second work of fiction.
An extract from David Zoppetti's novel entitled Ichigensan.
An excerpt from Kawabata Yasunari's The Old Capital, published in 1962 and first translated into English in 1987.