Category: Fiction

A short story on fitting in.
A four-act story on conversion.
An excerpt and commentary from the author on an intricate historical novel on love and the sense of place.
An intriguing excerpt from Kamata's book called The Baseball Widow.
Just when you think you've heard everything...a cautionary tale.
A cat in the Year of the Tiger.
A short story on an abandoned swimming pool. Or is it?
On serendipity and spooky occurrences.
A wartime memory.
A fictionalized reconstruction of a robbery.
A nurse's life and death
On becoming a ghost in Kyoto and a trip into virtual reality.
A new opening to The Heron Catchers.
A clever tale on changing environments.
Serendipity personified in this short story of Gion.
What the zoologist's son did. A unique tale.
An alternative and modern version of the folktale Kaguyahime.
Synopsis and commentary on a story.
A selection on Kyoto from an upcoming work.
Synopsis and commentary on a story.
Commentary on a Lafcadio Hearn story.
What the witches were up to.
A short story on customer service and a cash drawer that always balances.
The second part of a draft of the first chapter of a novel.