Archives: 2019

A haphazard collection of unruly short verse.
Preston performing at the 2019 WIK bonenkai.
Fixing bamboo fences and the haiku it inspired.
Detailed report on the 4th UNWTO/UNESCO World Conference on Tourism and Culture.
Description of the annual WIK bonenkai, an enjoyable evening.
A description of a pilgrimage made in Kyoto.
An introduction to a musician and a writer.
Extract from a new novel by Ian Richards, published by Atuanui Press and entitled, Drongo: A Kiwi Road Novel.
Mark speaks of the challenges of studying divinities and demons.
Three poems.
Poems of the yearning nature.
A report on a symposium that featured several WIK members.
A short story on pagan gods and their love of festivities.
A description of the Rakuyō 33 Pilgrimage.
On this occasion Roche writes about his arrival in Japan in 1969.
Event description where Mosdell spoke on his career as scriptwriter, lyricist, poet, author, performer and experimentalist.
Poem on entering the sacred garden.
Excerpt from a work-in-progress on the lives of people living in the Seto Inland Sea during the Taisho and Showa eras.
WiK event with Robert Schumacher who spoke on his lifework.
An article describing Murakami Haruki's father.
Event description held at the French restaurant at Kyoto University.
An update on the publication of guides to Japan.
Information on the annual Japan Writers Conference.
A report on the book launch held in Australia.