Archives: 2017

A celebration of the end of 2017. Kampai!
A WIK intern's commentary on one of Lafcadio Hearn's stories.
WIK Anthology announcement and description.
A review of a new book from the Hailstone Haiku Circle.
Basho renku on the nuns of Gio-ji.
Vignette on the changing landscape of Himeji.
Description of a visit to Cuba, with photos.
Description of a marvelous book launch.
An introduction to the writing of Isabella Bird.
A vignette on commuting in Hyogo.
An excerpt from Marianne Kimura's creative Shakespeare-based book.
Zen and The Teddy Bear, an excerpt from The Autobiography of Teddy.
An interview with a dance performer.
Poems and poetry together... just lovely.