Search: “houser)”

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Villanelle (Houser)

Forsaking the farce of form and faceArtists forced to raze the dominant paradigmSeizing the sense of silence and space The painter replicates without a traceFleeing frigid hue and spectral climeForsaking the farce of form and face The poet shuns a language of sonorous laceRefuses circumscription to rhythm and rhymeSeizing the sense of silence and space …Read More

Zen poem (Houser)

“Recalling a Light Moment” Amongst zen masters the moon mutant metaphor reflected in water a teaching apart from origin we world-wide witnesses myriad waves possessed of lunar largesse but obviously no moon seen in sea or tear to grasp nor mineral moon above only sunlight permits perception the reflected moon merely many waves like words …Read More

Improv Poesy (Preston Houser)

Written for a Friend Frightened of his Screens by Preston Houser for F.L. on a day like this when it’s too hot to do much more than stare or sleep I follow the cats’ lead and find a cool place to lie if I had any fur I suppose I’d lick it that’s what world …Read More

Wit and wisdom (Preston Keido Houser)

Gnome Poetry and Improv Evening (24/6/2018) There once was a monk from Madrid Who declared that his good deeds were hid. Not thinking a thought Nor seeking the sought, His doing was nothing he did.   Capitalist cat chasing leaves As if they were mice American short hair   Sometimes you get it back But …Read More

Poem: Okunoin, Koyasan

Okunoin, Koyasan / 奥の院、高野山 One enters this sacred garden aloneFinding one’s way by learning to readThe resonating air surrounding the stone Consulting a tome or charting a zone Unknown home where paths may leadOne enters this sacred garden alone  By demolishing the knower knowing and knownScant satori when the soul has freedThe resonating air surrounding the …Read More

Poetry and improv

WiK was able to showcase its talent at a Poetry and Improv event held Sunday, June 6 at the Gnome Irish Pub. On display were five of our best poets, including Frost scholar Mark Richardson, WiK Competition winner Mayumi Kawaharada, poet-photographer James Woodham, the poems of A.J. Dickinson, and a tribute reading of Edith Shiffert’s …Read More

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