Writers in Kyoto was started in 2015, since which time the group has expanded from seven to more than seventy. Membership is open to all with a special connection to Kyoto, regardless of location. You may not be physically in Kyoto, but your heart should be. Learn more about WiK.
Become a Member
To become a Writers in Kyoto member, please make a payment and notify our treasurer, Paul Carty. The renewal period of the ¥3000 annual membership fee runs from April to March each year; it is also possible to join during the year for a reduced fee (please contact us).
Member benefits include:
- Member profile page on the website
- Featured writer spot on the website, on a rotation basis according to membership numbers
- Books advertised on the website
- Book extracts featured on the website
- Eligibility for inclusion in the WiK Anthology
- Participation in a private Facebook group with access to archival material
- Free or discounted entry for WiK-sponsored events
- Participation in WiK social activities, such as get-togethers and literary dinners
- Eligible to assist with WiK activities, such as the Kyoto Writing Competition or book reviews.
- WiK backing for book launches
- Eligibility for WiK public readings
How to pay the membership fee
Other Ways to Participate
- Attend one the WiK-related public events in Kyoto.
- Join our public Facebook group.
- Be a WiK friend by browsing nearly a decade of posts.
Who is WiK?
Writers in Kyoto members include authors, photographers, web designers and others in Kyoto, Japan and around the world who have an affinity for Kyoto.
- See a list of current WiK members
- Browse a directory of WiK member profiles
Contact Us
Contact us with membership questions or requests. New member requests may also be submitted to our private Facebook group.