Event Reminder: Authors Susan Ito and Suzanne Kamata in Conversation (July 27th)

Several years ago, Susan Ito and Writers in Kyoto member Suzanne Kamata were co-fiction editors of an online journal called literarymama.com. Now they meet again in Japan, where they will discuss Susan’s recently published memoir, I Would Meet You Anywhere, about being a biracial individual raised by adoptive Japanese American parents, and finding her Japanese birth mother and white birth father’s families. 

Susan will read a few brief excerpts. Both authors will also speak about writing in general, as well as Susan’s connection to Japan, and there will be plenty of time for questions. There will also be a reading by students accompanying Susan 30 minutes before the main talk begins.

Event Details:
■ Date and Time: July 27th (Saturday), 2:00pm~4:00pm
■ Venue: Ryukoku University Omiya Campus, East Building, Room #302
  (Google Maps Link: https://maps.app.goo.gl/pJrXp4xcakTfcjnh7)
■ Participation Fee: Free

More details can be found in our original event posting here.
