From the Judges:
“As it is so often with writings set in Kyoto, “Trying to Understand” depicts a journey of inquiry and discovery. Many of us hope our experiences in the city will lead to a deeper and more profound understanding of life. This is something that everyone in a foreign place, looking for answers to life’s conundrums, has felt. This piece shows us how to listen to the subtle music of Kyoto which imparts a message of inspiration. Kyoto is particularly fertile ground, providing so many venues and moments for subtle reflection. Kyoto trains us to read between the lines and reveals metaphors for a more mindful life, a lesson effectively captured within.”
Trying to Understand
I am trying to understand life
but I am failing
In Kyoto
I thought I would find answers
I wanted to see how I’ve made my mistakes
I wanted to learn how to avoid making more
But in trying to understand the past, the depth of it overwhelmed me
So I walked the gardens
and I learned that where the path is precarious, one should slow down
I learned that there are times along the way when one should stop a while to appreciate their surroundings
I partook of the tea ceremony
and I learned to take the bitter with the sweet
I stayed in a machiya
and I learned that allowing light into the center illuminates the whole
I am beginning to understand

Kirsty Kawano is an Australian who has lived in Japan for a couple of decades. She works as a translator, editor and non-fiction writer and joined Writers in Kyoto five years ago, after moving to the city from Tokyo. Although she swore off writing fiction about 15 years ago, being part of the group has nudged her toward it.
Read a longer self-introduction from Kirsty.
Also from Kirsty:
- An unexpected encounter in the cosmos of Kyoto
- What Japan’s 1,150-year-old Gion Festival can teach us about sustainability
- From Tokyo to Kyoto Part 1, Part 2
For the full list of this year’s competition winners, click here.
For the original competition notice (with prize details), click here.