Foreign women writers give alternative view of Japan

A link to an article for Asia Nikkei which serves as a comprehensive overview of the works and lives of foreign women writers in Japan, both past and present.

WiK member Stephen Mansfield recently wrote an article for Asia Nikkei which serves as a comprehensive overview of the works and lives of foreign women writers in Japan, both past and present. The article can be found here and includes mention of a couple of WiK writers as well.


In After Act, Stephen considers virus related literature in a pandemic world.

In Metropolis Stephen writes about Japanese cities.

For a review of his life in writing, given as a lunchtime talk for WiK, see here.
For a review by John Dougill of his book, Stone Gardens, click here.

For a short treatise on light and dark in Japanese culture, see here. For a review by Josh Yates of Stephen’s book on Tokyo: A Biography, see here.

For Stephen Mansfield’s review of the WiK Anthology 3, Encounters with Kyoto, please click here.  For his amazon page with a list of his books, please see this link.
