The following limericks are selected from a collection entitled 101 Nervous Nun Limericks by shakuhachi maestro, Preston Keido Houser. These follow his love limericks from a monk’s perspective.
The verses are much in the spirit of koans and Zen humour, lighthearted yet hinting at something deeper. They also have a deliberately irregular syllable pattern from the conventional limerick, because, in the words of the author, they are meant ‘to challenge the reader’.
There once was a nun from paradise
Who sought enlightenment at any price.
Yet for all her acuity
She was unable to see
The water that hides in the ice.
There once was a nun from Koblentz
Who spoke up in heaven’s defense.
‘For all the pejoratives
Hurled at hell’s narratives,
In the end all life makes sense.’
There once was a nun from Whitstable
Whose sultry allure was irresistible.
‘Though many monks seek my hand
One principle they don”t understand:
The sexual is simply transitional.’
There once was a nun most dejected
When she detected her teaching was rejected.
‘It seems I spoke too soon,
For what I thought was the moon
Turned out to be sunlight reflected.’
There once was a nun from Wye
Whose husband made her hue and cry.
‘For all the expectations,
Frustrations, and jubilations,
I still can’t believe I married this guy!’
There once was a nun from Botany Bay
Who tried to console a family facing doomsday.
‘I know the news is bad,
But please don’t be sad,
Even if it’s not okay it’s gonna be okay.’
There once was a nun from Cherokee Nation
Who pondered the XR situation.
‘Despite environmental calamity,
Is the purpose of humanity
To make the world safe for annihilation?’

As well as performing at WiK events, Preston has produced a stream of poetry in the Villanelle form. For other verse by Preston, please see his Improv Poesy or for a selection of four poems, click here. To hear him talk about shakuhachi and Zen, or to hear him play, please listen to the following podcast: https://www.ancientdragon.org/podcast-library/