(all photos by the author)
intricate scripture –
each leaf’s quiver the wind’s word
on a page of air
snail on his way
down the rain soaked road
easy grace of line
shadows of bamboo
score a melody of wind
on the old stone wall
crow carries its cry
to the heights of the pine tree
then on into sky

cry of the crow pure
and meaningless as the wash
of waves on the shore
cicada insists
till its presence addresses
surfing the silence
woman in full bloom
pregnant with her future joy
swelling summer sun
sunbathing truly
is lying meditation –
breathing ocean

yellow leaves tumbling
on the tail of the typhoon
mountain sighing
under the big blue
laid out in such opulence
hills’ fall brocade
out of the mountains
momentary birdcall
lost in sky

the deserted shore
heron flaps the lake’s surface
owning shadow
lake the palest blue
the sky listens to itself
spilling birdsong
crested grebe dives
the lake gathering its thoughts
yielding grebe again
the mind’s erasure –
ninja of the poem
stealing into silence

For previous contributions by James Woodham, please see the striking poems and stunning photography here. Or here. Or here. Or here. For his previous posting, A Single Thread, see here.