a single
the spider’s
along it
sliding it

a whiteness of wings –
from the shore a heron lifts
away on water
egret takes to air
wingtips grazing the lake
gliding on shadow
a piece of the dusk
breaks off and takes to the air
becoming heron

leaves hardly moving
from the depths of the blue sky
faint trace of birdcall
tobi circles once
in the sky above my head
leaving empty blue
dull heat of noon –
in the bushes a bird calls
without conviction
vanishing into
the dark crevice – lizard’s tail
a startling blue
air awash with sound
insistence of cicadas
the tree’s symphony
crunching of acorns
underfoot on the mountain’s
shadow-dappled path
sun low on the hills
plumes of the susuki grass
softly luminous
nothing but the cold
no wind, no sky visible
a few flakes of snow
always coming back
to the platform by the lake
and the sky mountains
finding myself here
home again and with a sigh
the train pulls away

For previous contributions by James Woodham, please see the striking poems and stunning photography here. Or here. Or here. Or here.