The foreign community in Kyoto will all know of the delicious cheesecake available from the Papa Jon’s shops in town. Many will also know the popular owner, Charles Roche. Few will know however that October 17 happens to be the 50th anniversary of his arrival in the country. Yes, 50 years ago!
To celebrate the occasion, Charles has penned a small memoir of his first visit to the country. All the way back in that fabulous year of 1969…
“Inner Voice” is a hinky thing. People talk about it, I listen for it and sometimes take its counsel. But then the doubt. Is it a message from the Self or is Harvey my inner ventriloquist ego schmuck at it again?! I’m never sure.
But this time was different.
It was the last day of a nineteen-day voyage from Bombay to Japan. Passengers were on deck huddled close against a chill autumn wind watching the pale grey horizontal line called Honshu slowly ink in.
A guy standing next to me asked, “How long will you be in Japan”?
I had traveled hard for a full year overland from New York, the last dozen weeks in Nepal and India. I was skinny, road-weary, and now wise enough to know that sculpted travel plans invite “otherly” interference. Two months in Japan was my self-imposed limit. It was now mid-October and I would be back home in New York for Christmas! It was to dissuade heavenly shenanigans and dispel my own doubts that I delivered my answer with conviction. “Two months.”
The moment those words left my mouth a voice in the wind whispered, “Two years.” I gave my head a quick shake to clear my ears then repeated, this time louder, “Two months.”
The guy who had asked the question moved a step back and said, “Yeah, I heard you.”
And the voice again said, “Two years.”
I remained in Japan that first time, from October 17, 1969, to November 3, 1971.
Two years and seventeen days.
For a report of the dinner talk by an old friend of Charles, Judith Clancy, at the Papa Jon’s Cafe, click here.