The deadline for this year’s WiK Short Shorts Competition will be on March 1, and just a reminder that this year we are offering a top prize of ¥30,000 plus several other smaller prizes. The top three winners will be included in the next Writers in Kyoto Anthology, and details about how to purchase a copy can be found in the righthand column. In addition winners are published here on the website, serving as examples for anyone thinking of entering the competition. For the 2017 winner, click here. For the 2016 winner, click here. For runners-up, click here or here. (For details of how to enter this year’s competition, see here.)
The following entry which won the approval of the judges was submitted by Kate Garnett of the USA. It shows how much can be done within the limit of 300 words.
Maps of Kyoto’s Water:
Eastward, rivers inked
with sakura flow throughout
time. For centuries
they move through ancient
city streets, cleaning deep wounds
of war, dousing shrines
that are asunder,
while tea water, equally
as vital, is poured
into younomi.
This simple act will never
change. Whether whisked by
geisha’s elegant
hands or encapsulated
in vending machines,
even one hurrying
out will always stop to drink—
just as one is stopped
by autumn’s first snow
as it laces the ponds where
koi fish liquesce, just
as spring’s warm rainfall
dissolves into garden lakes
of imperial
castles where even
ancient samurai take brief
reprieve to quench throats—
because that same vein
of water, reflecting glass-
faced towers, scarlet
torii, and sky , are
both the surface and the rain
that inspires it.