At our upcoming WiK event on October 11, we’ll be hosting two Davids – one a non-fiction writer and the other a novelist. Information about David Joiner has already appeared; now we have a sneak preview of what might be on offer by David Duff, a founding member of WiK and our social organiser.

In Praise of Japanese Cats, by David Duff
My current project is a loving tribute to the Japanese cat; a detailed exploration of how, in a myriad of ways, the noble feline impacts, influences and inspires both Japanese culture and the world. There is much to praise about a country that so values, so treasures, the cat in all its splendor. And much to praise about the wide variety of cats responsible.Yes, indeed! I have tried to cover the most important cats that have empowered Japan and her rich culture. I can only hope that I have succeeded.
It goes without saying that I am one serious, bonafide crazy ailurophile. Fortunate to be surrounded by them from early childhood (I grew up with 8 cats and 6 dogs), I find cats to be a never-ending, hairy bundle of exquisite joy which, without exception, without hesitation, always sends my grateful spirit soaring. Not for a single moment have I ever tasted boredom in their exalted presence.